GMP2011. 8. 15. 17:05
1. 굿모닝 뉴스

Headline 1. What is the stock market telling us? 주식시작이 미국에게 말하는 것은?

One of the best known and respected executives in the financial world,
who did not want to be quoted directly, said he thought actually the ratings downgrade would probably cause a little short-term market turmoil, but after that it really wouldn't be a very big deal at all.

Headline 2. La Nina is back.  다시 돌아온 라니냐.

La Nina begins when eastern Pacific waters near the equator turn cooler than normal.
A cascade of changes in ocean temperatures and wind currents follows, and the consequences are global.

굿모닝팝스 (월간) 8월호 (오디오 CD 별매)
저자 : 한국방송출판편집부
출판 : 한국방송출판(잡지) 2011.07.20

Posted by 빨간 양말