GMP2011. 6. 19. 22:05
1. 굿모닝 뉴스

Headline 1. 4 in U.S. now linked to German E. coli outbreak.

There and certain things that we can't on our own. There are certain things only government can do and one of those things is ensuring that the foods we eat, and the medicines we take, are safe.

Headline 2. Why are all the drive-in theaters disappearing?

Many US cities have tired to recapture the nostalgic feeling of outdoor movies by showing films in parks and pedestrian malls, but patrons sit on blankets, not in their '54 Chevys. And no one's writing tunes like the Beach Boys 'Drive-in' song.

굿모닝팝스 (월간) 6월호 (오디오 CD 별매)
저자 : 한국방송출판편집부
출판 : 한국방송출판(잡지) 2011.05.21

Posted by 빨간 양말