GMP2011. 5. 15. 16:47
1. 굿모닝 뉴스

Headline: US wants South Korea FTA in 2011

Clinton did not say when the implementing bills will go to Congress, but strongly suggested the long-awaited action will be come soon. The deals with Colombia, Panama and South Korea were signed by the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007. 

Headline: Morgan Freeman Born To Narrate 'Born To Be Wild'

 "We're shared this planet since the dawn of man." With Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman as narrator, <Born To Be Wild> goes behind the scenes at a unique refuge in Kenya.

굿모닝팝스 (월간) 5월호 (오디오 CD 별매)
저자 : 한국방송출판편집부
출판 : 한국방송출판(잡지) 2011.05.01

Posted by 빨간 양말