GMP2011. 8. 21. 10:44
1. 굿모닝 뉴스

Headline 1. Jake Shimabukuro Ukulele Day'

Riding an unexpected wave of mass appeal, Simabuburo is perfroming across Japan. At his first performance in South Korea, ticket sold for up to $100 per seat. His concert, lasting up to two hours, consist of just him and his ukulele.

TED에서 음악으로 얘기하는 모습이 이색적이네요.

Headline 2. Haze obscures mountain view

For many Americans, the good life means owning a piece or at least of a view, of the majestic Rocky Mountains.
Big cities in America's high country, like Denver and Colorado Springs and Salt Lake City have grown so fast that on many days, noxious haze obscures the mountains.

2. Screen English Review
영웅은 태어나는 것이 아니라 만들어지는 거에요.  Hero aren't born, they're made.
난 인생에 목표가 없어.   I have no purpose.
자세히 봐.   Look closely.
무슨 일이죠.   What's going on?
그는 전혀 내타입이 아니에요.   He was never really my type.
잠깐 볼일이 있어.   I have to run a quick errand.

3. Talk Play Lean Review
난 필기구가 필요없어.   I have noting to write with.
난 그에게 말할 용기가 없어.   I don't have the guts to tell him.
그건 비밀로 하는게 좋을것 같아.   You may want to keep that a secret.
내가 찬성하다니 믿을 수 없어.    I can't believe I agreed.
내가 이걸 어떻게 설명하면 좋겠니?   How do you want me to explain this?

4. Learn More
모두가 의견이 일치하는것 같아.   I think we're on the same page.
걘 함부로 입놀리는걸 좋아해.    He like so shoot off his mouth.
화가 머리끝까지 났던걸.   She hit the roof.
뭐든 가능해.    The sky is the limit.
거의 대머리 인걸.   It's thin on top.

2011/07/21 - [생활의 양피지/GMP] - 굿모닝 팝스: 7월 21일 목요일 복습
나쁘지 않은데   It's not half-bad.
괜히 문제 복잡하게 만들지마.   Don't open that can of worms.
이미 마음 굳혔어.   My mind's made up.
그거야 네가 나에게 소리 질렀으니까 그렇지.   That's because you yelled at me.
왜그렇게 풀이 죽었어?   Why are you so down in the mouth?

굿모닝팝스 (월간) 8월호 (오디오 CD 별매)
저자 : 한국방송출판편집부
출판 : 한국방송출판(잡지) 2011.07.20

Posted by 빨간 양말