GMP2011. 5. 8. 07:22
1. 굿모닝 뉴스

Headline: Osama bin Laden's death sparks question about Afghanistan war.

Bin Laden's image as the world's most-wanted terrorist stand in sharp contrast to his peaceful and comfortable upbringing. His life forever changed when in 1979, the former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan

Headline: The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

The Union Jacks, the red, white, and blue British flags, were every where. For Americans, maybe all this looked like British's version of the Fourth of July, but for a nations that doesn't often celebrate national identity, this was rare.

굿모닝팝스 (월간) 5월호 (오디오 CD 별매)
저자 : 한국방송출판편집부
출판 : 한국방송출판(잡지) 2011.05.01

Posted by 빨간 양말